Monthly Archives: April 1997

When the heart is empty, Spirit can express its joy

Threshold Society Theme for April 1997 The real and essential needs of the human being have not changed very much over the centuries. Who would disagree, for instance, with Al-Ghazzali's assessment eight centuries ago that: Human perfection resides in this, that the love of God should conquer a person's heart and possess it wholly, and [...]

Activate the Zhikr of the Breath of Compassion

Make an intention that between the hours of 11 AM and 1 PM you will breathe in conscious awareness of the All-Compassionate (Ar-Rahman) Presence which unifies all of life. As we move from 11 to 1, we move from the world of multiplicity to the world of unity. 11 is Hu. 1 is Alif, Al-Ahad (the One), Allah. The Breath of Compassion is within us. We are being breathed. As we chose consciously to be in remembrance of this, we are better able to be reflectors of the Divine Qualities of our Source. How will this manifest in our work and relationships? How will this affect our Salah, our worship?

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