Monthly Archives: July 2011

The Invisible Rain of Ramadan

Ramadan has so many dimensions: purification, sacrifice, community, the still and subtle emptiness of the heart. It reorients us in so many ways. Ramadan is less something that we do—instead it is a force field we enter and are transformed by. But it does take intention and effort on our part. If we can, we participate in the fast. Perhaps we also find other intentions, new aspects of awareness that become part of this sacred time. I’d like to share something I’ve learned.

You Are Joy

The Poetry of Rumi read by Kabir & Camille with great Sufi musicians from California, Iran, and Turkey. CD $15 Call 831-685-3995 or order online

How Experience Imbues our Essence

Every human soul is in the process of acquiring experience. Does it matter that we acquire experience? Does it serve any purpose? Yes, the Divine has sent souls into the world in order to share in its ecstasy and love. If we go through life relatively unconscious, numb, unappreciative, ungrateful, and absorbed with our petty desires, we are forfeiting our chance to share in God’s ecstasy and love.  

A Fortunate Fall

Let's review the sequence of events that led Adam into this world, to clarify their inner significance. First God disclosed the divine presence to Adam by giving him existence, Adam came to know God through this and called out, "O desiring One!" Then God gave knowledge of the divine to Adam through divine commands deciding that approaching the tree was forbidden; Adam came to know God through this and called out, "O deciding One!"

The Dog

Story of the vow made by the dogs every winter that when next summer comes they will build a house for the winter.

The Thief’s drum

Story of the thief who was asked, "What are you doing at the bottom of this wall at midnight?" and replied, "I am beating a drum."

The Blind Man

Story of the Blind old man's reading the Qur'an in front of him and regaining his sight when he read.

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