The Threshold Society, rooted within the traditions of Sufism and inspired by the life and work of Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi, is a non-profit educational foundation with the purpose of facilitating the experience of Divine Unity, Love, and Truth in the world. Sufism is a living tradition of human transformation through love and higher consciousness. While we seek to apply the essential principles of spiritual development, we inevitably transcend much of the conditioning of our culture and identity. Our fundamental framework is classical Sufism and the Qur’an as it has been understood over the centuries by the great Sufis. The Society is affiliated with the Mevlevi Order, and offers training programs, seminars and retreats around the world. These are intended to provide a structure for practice and study within Sufism.

Our programs and activities are open to all people, and you are welcome to join us for the next Thursday open meeting in Louisville. For these events see our Louisville page. For other inquiries, email us at:
In addition representatives and study groups can be found in several countries. We are a non-commercial spiritual organization and a description of our financial policies is open to all.