This Virtual Sufi Lodge is a Place for Spiritual Companionship (Sohbet)
The Sufi Hour with Ahmed Tijani
The Sufi Hour with Ahmed Tijani in Ghana
This Virtual Sufi Lodge is a Place for Spiritual Companionship (Sohbet)
The Sufi Hour with Ahmed Tijani in Ghana
October 8, 2020 A talk on Suluuk, and the "Five-Fold Circle of Suluuk" August 6, 2020 Meditation on breath and sohbet on Hold tight to the rope of God. July 30, 2020 Eid July 16, 2020 A contemplation on the Nur of the Beloved. [The sohbet recording was unfortunately [...]
The Sufi Hour with Faruk Çelebi Efendi, president of the International Mevlana Foundation
The Sufi Hour with Esin Çelebi, vice president of the International Mevlana Foundation
The Sufi Hour with Elizabeth Anne Hin of The White Rose Foundation.
The Sufi Hour with Kabir Helminski & Bob Darr.
Jeremy Henzell-Thomas outlines the crucial importance of the imagination for the spiritual traveler and humankind as a whole.
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A message from Camille Ana during these challenging times
Shaikh Kabir Helminski on awakening the heart.