The Knowing Heart

The Knowing Heart

A Sufi Path of Transformation

By Kabir Helminski

As human beings we stand on the threshold between two realities: the world of material existence and the world of spiritual Being. The “knowing heart” is the sacred place where these two dimensions meet and are integrated. In Sufi teaching the human heart is not a fanciful metaphor but an objective organ of intuition and perception.



A Sufi Path of Transformation

By Kabir Helminski

It is possible to open up to the experience of love through a practical education of the heart. The knowing heart is receptive to the intelligence of Being and is guided by Being. When the heart is awakened and purified, it establishes a connection to Spirit; our finest and noblest capacities are unlocked, our sacred humanness is revealed. What it comes down to, the distillation of all wisdoms, is this: we can rejoin our isolated wills with Loves Will through the knowing of the heart.

Truly in the remembrance of God hearts find rest. – Quran 23:28

“Sufism, which has been described as the mystic heart of Islam, is little known and little understood in this country despite the advocacy of popularizers such as Idries Shah. Helminski, a Mevlevi Shaikh and translator of the great Sufi poet Rumi, offers a clear and well-grounded introduction to Sufism, liberally seasoned with insights from the Koran and the writings of Rumi; his is perhaps the best beginners guide now available. For most libraries.” Library Journal, May 1, 1999

Available as an audiobook through Amazon Audible, narrated by Daliah Merzaban

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