
A Door Held Open Wide

Matthew Wright from the Threshold West Park NY circle reflects on the Mevlevi path and how we can live a spiritual life beyond labels and dogma.

Unfold the Wings of your Essence

In the State of True Friendship: Shams & Mevlana A recent sohbet with Shaikh Kabir & Camille Ana Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Kabir Dede: This is the day that Hazreti Shams first came to Konya. In emptying our hearts, as much as we are able, we will hear and be encouraged in our own journeying by [...]

Aug 2018: True Being

Sharing Rumi with a wider world, exploring women of faith in London with Shaikha Camille, and theme reflections with Ajoy Datta...


A talk offered by Camille for the launch, “Listen! Feminine Wisdom,” 2018 Festival of Faiths.

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