Jan 2019: God as Companion
New Year openings, videos with Sh. Kabir & Sh. Camille, and theme reflections with Adila Ahmed...
New Year openings, videos with Sh. Kabir & Sh. Camille, and theme reflections with Adila Ahmed...
In the State of True Friendship: Shams & Mevlana A recent sohbet with Shaikh Kabir & Camille Ana Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Kabir Dede: This is the day that Hazreti Shams first came to Konya. In emptying our hearts, as much as we are able, we will hear and be encouraged in our own journeying by [...]
Shaikh Kabir on the Universal Human Being, theme reflections from Skip Maselli and more events in Bradford...
Reflections from Jeremy Henzell-Thomas & Abdur Ra’uf Gharib, a new dreams project, and more...
Feminine wisdom from Shaikha Camille, theme reflections with Daliah Merzaban, and upcoming events and eCourses
Presence and sincerity with Shaikh Kabir, Ramadan reflections from Shaikha Camille, Kamran Sarwar on Imam Ali, upcoming events...
The purpose of human life can be stated as: to attain the knowledge of Reality. Everything that is given to human beings through revelation is to guide us to knowing our true selves and through our selves to attain the knowledge of all the dimensions of reality. We are in the process of becoming the non-judging, objective witness, al Shahid. . .
Reflection on August’s theme: The more the mind and heart become still, the more we can trust in God. The state of my mind has always been quite frenetic. Over the years I have struggled with presence and meditation. It always seems that the quieter I try to become, the more active my mind becomes. [...]
Reflection on May’s theme: Leave opinions and blame; be an objective witness, and serve in love. Initially this made me reflect on our outer world which is beset with apparent conflict and untruths, and the question of how to meet these without being drawn into judgement and blame. I don't believe we are being asked [...]
Reflection on April’s theme: The natural state of the human being is worship. The human needs God as the garden needs spring. Whilst growing up I was told: ‘Worship Allah, for if you worship you will be rewarded entry into the gardens of heaven.’ So I worshipped for an end result and for a better [...]