
Unfold the Wings of your Essence

In the State of True Friendship: Shams & Mevlana A recent sohbet with Shaikh Kabir & Camille Ana Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Kabir Dede: This is the day that Hazreti Shams first came to Konya. In emptying our hearts, as much as we are able, we will hear and be encouraged in our own journeying by [...]

Endeavor to Make God Your Companion in Every Spiritual State

A transcribed sohbet of Shaikh Kabir, from the forthcoming book The Living Tradition, Discourses on the Sufi Path The Qur’an says: In His causes you ought to strive. The Arabic word jihada could be translated as “strive.” The real jihada, the real spiritual striving, is reconciling the energy or force from which we gain a [...]

Eighteen Stages of Service

Eighteen Stages of Service[1] The soul of the Mevlevi Dergah (training center) is the kitchen (matbah). In the kitchen, the Head Cook Dede (Ashchi Dede; Ser-tabbah),[2] the Cauldron Dede (Kazanci Dede), the Internal Affairs Dervish, the person in charge of the house work in a dervish convent (icheri meydancisi) and the Dish-washing Dede (Bulashikchi Dede) [...]

The Coherence of Our Souls

~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski The Essence of Our Practice We place a great emphasis on being—the quality of attention and presence that we practice. Being is our capacity to be awake with full attention and an open heart. Being is also the source of coherence. Being is our capacity to connect the transcendent with the [...]


A talk offered by Camille for the launch, “Listen! Feminine Wisdom,” 2018 Festival of Faiths.

Give God Your Existence

Give God your existence and God will give you His Life. Today is September 30, Mevlana’s birthday and the 10th day of Muharram, remembered primarily for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. On this day we are especially grateful for the wisdom that unites us with reality and the example of holiness of our spiritual ancestors. [...]

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