
Meditation May 17th 2020

This is a selection of what was shared at the weekly online meditation - due to zoom technical difficulties, we were unable to record the call.   Love, Breath, Body ~ Khadim Chisti The seven heavens and earth and everything within them glorify Him. There is nothing in existence that does not glorify Him in [...]

Louisville Meetings

October 8, 2020  A talk on Suluuk, and the "Five-Fold Circle of Suluuk" August 6, 2020 Meditation on breath and sohbet on Hold tight to the rope of God. July 30, 2020 Eid July 16, 2020 A contemplation on the Nur of the Beloved. [The sohbet recording was unfortunately [...]

A Door Held Open Wide

Matthew Wright from the Threshold West Park NY circle reflects on the Mevlevi path and how we can live a spiritual life beyond labels and dogma.

Be Humble in Love; Be Bold in Loving

Hz. Abul Hasan Kharaqani, Kars Sooner or later those who travel the path of God will encounter a series of questions related to the very existence of the "self." What began as a self-evident and solid "I," an identity made up of desires, satisfactions, disappointments, insecurities, and aspirations, gradually becomes a rather different [...]

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