
This Virtual Sufi Lodge is a Place for Spiritual Companionship (Sohbet)

Embodying Grace (Interview & Meditation with Shaikh Kabir)

This interview is part of the Summer of Peace 2014 Summit, a free online event featuring 70+ of the world’s top peacebuilders, social change leaders, indigenous elders and spiritual mentors offering inspiration, skills training and powerful solutions – to bring inner, interpersonal and collective peace efforts to the next level. The Summer of Peace will continue for another [...]

Coherence, Will, and Intention (5/23/2014)

The importance of developing more conscious choice, and forming concrete intentions. Every decision made but carelessly left incomplete drains us of will. We need this everyday exercise of will, building the muscle of conscious choice, rather than living a life of dispersion, of following the path of least resistance.

Relationship with the Body (5/15/2014)

Relationship with the body – what are we relating from? And what are we relating to? Exploring the relationship between spirit, heart and self. How the form of salah embodies this relationship with the body. How ablution is a spiritual purification and grounding of the body. See here for the article on Adab: The Courtesy of the Path; the adab of remembering your servanthood in the world of bodies.

The Body is a Servant (5/1/2014)

Sohbet on this month’s theme: Your Body is your servant; train it with Love. What is our relationship to our body? Are we aware of this relationship? Enlivening the body physically opens us up to spiritual experience. The human body is a transporter of subtle energies. Love and Unity play a role in awakening the higher faculties.  Click for PDF file mentioned in this sohbet.

Sufism: A Hidden Treasure

"Sufism: A Hidden Treasure" -- a talk by Shaikh Kabir Helminski at City Circle, London on Friday 14th March, 2014. Many British Muslims today suffer a double alienation: on one side from a dogmatic expression of Islam lacking in love, and on the other side from a materialistic culture that leaves little room for the [...]

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