
This Virtual Sufi Lodge is a Place for Spiritual Companionship (Sohbet)

A Day with Nur Artiran

On a recent trip to Turkey led by Shaikh Kabir and Camille Helminski, our group was lucky enough to be invited to the Sefik Can Foundation, under the direction of Nur Artiran, one of Turkey's most respected spiritual teachers. It gave us a valuable insight into Sufism as practised by modern Mevlevis in Turkey.

Practical Sufism

Sufism is not only the sublime poetry of a Rumi; it is also how we relate to others, how we receive a guest. The work of Sufism is not primarily acquiring information; it is more about clearing the mirror of consciousness. As rich as the treasure of Sufi knowledge is (an immense intellectual heritage), most of us would not have been drawn to this path if we had not encountered its love embodied in human relationships.

A Living Tradition Needs Support

We come to you with gratitude for all whose generous support has allowed the work of Threshold Society to continue. For those who have been able to give, we thank you and ask that you continue your support. For those who have not yet made this commitment, we ask you to consider donating to Threshold Society if its work is meaningful to you. We need your support so that, God willing, the work may continue and grow.

A Collection on Writings on Fasting

The elect of the elect fast by examining their thoughts and preventing their innermost consciousness from paying attention to anything other than God. These are the people of poverty, and their capital and provisions for wayfaring on the path to God are nothingness. . . .

Excerpts from RUMI & HIS FRIENDS Stories of the Lovers of God

My father [Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi] said, “O Bahauddin, when the seed of my teaching has taken root in your heart, you will understand—reflect deeply on my teaching and really try to absorb it and if you do, felicity will be yours. Know that the body of the prophets, the saints, and their friends will never perish. A seed thrown into the earth may appear to die and disappear, however, at the end of a few days it comes to life and grows into a flourishing tree. In a similar way the body of the prophets and the saints will also come to life again.”

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