
This Virtual Sufi Lodge is a Place for Spiritual Companionship (Sohbet)

2 Poems by Hussein Ibn Mansur Al Hallaj

“The expressions of his intimate moments with the Beloved are like a powerful thunderstorm that sweeps the heart with terrifying power and yet brings serenity, life-giving water, freshness, and renewal to the heart, and occasionally a rainbow upon the horizon.” […]

Rumi, Shams, and Life of the Heart

Trees are metaphysical witnesses, prophets from all the traditions as well as suppliers of refuge and gifts for all of creation. Rumi and Shams address surrender, satisfaction, remembrance, real Friendship, and contentment.

To be in Paradise, stop complaining; greet whatever comes as if it’s our greatest happiness. Say, “It's just like that,” and keep going.

The Friend is generous and wise, removing obstacles even if we don’t know it, providing our daily portion from His granaries in the mysterious world of the beyond. We are not given too much all at once so we don't become rebellious and wayward.

Embody Patience

To embody patience is, at the least, to show no haste in matters that require time. This requires a presence that is fully in the moment and, simultaneously, outside of time. Only in this way can we give each thing its proper time. But the mental awareness alone is not sufficient to induce a holy patience. Something else is required—a sense of the Divine Presence.

The Ecstasy of Recognition, Day of Arafat

Imagine yourself standing with millions of other human beings at Arafat, stripped-down to bare essentials, wearing a simple sheet of white cloth, all distinctions of wealth, position, and national identity erased. All you have is the sum of your life's thoughts, feelings, and deeds, the net result of your relationships, your loves and hates—all these things that have shaped your soul, what you are. The people on Hajj are experiencing that today. We all will experience it one day, on the day of conscious recognition.

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