Rumi: On Love
For lovers, the only lecturer is the beauty of the Beloved; their only book and lecture and lesson is the Face. They are silent outwardly, but their penetrating remembrance rises to the high throne of their Friend.
For lovers, the only lecturer is the beauty of the Beloved; their only book and lecture and lesson is the Face. They are silent outwardly, but their penetrating remembrance rises to the high throne of their Friend.
Come, seek, for search is the foundation of fortune: every success depends upon focusing the heart. Unconcerned with the business of the world, keep saying with all your soul, "Ku, ku," like the dove.
O You who make demands within me like an embryo, since You are the one who makes the demand, make its fulfillment easy; show the way, help me, or else relinquish Your claim and take this burden from me! Since from a debtor You're demanding gold, give him gold in secret, O rich King!
Excerpt from Love is a Stranger, by Jalluddn Rumi, tr. by Kabir Helminski (Threshold Books, 1994)
Excerpts from Open Secret, Unseen Rain, Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion, & This Longing
An excerpt from Signs of the Unseen, by Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (Threshold Books, 1995)