• Tales of a Sufi Master in America

    By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Generosity, faith, self-knowledge, submission, love... these themes unfold through the conversations of the Turkish Sufi master Sheikh Muzaffer, head of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order and one of the most important Sufi teachers of our time. A fine storyteller, a mature human being, a respected author in his native country, he was well-suited to bring the richness of the Sufi tradition to the West. The chapters of this book, skillfully edited and compiled by the noted psychologist Dr. Robert Frager, were derived from talks given during visits to America over the last years of his life.
  • An Esoteric History of the Spiritual Unfolding of Life on This Planet

    By J.G. Bennett J.G. Bennett was working on this book when he died. He details the unfolding of Spirit in matter to yield its ultimate fruit: a conscious human being totally free of egoism. He considers the possibility of an inner circle of humanity exerting its influence to establish cosmic Love in human life. In the course of telling this story, Bennett touches on the most ancient spiritual traditions of humankind: the Savior God, the Great Mother, the Creator God, and the Great Spirit traditions. He offers his own insights into the real mission of Christ, and for a good part of the book examines the teaching methods of the Central Asian Sufis, the Khwajagan.
  • The Discourses of Jalaluddin Rumi

    Introduction and Translation by W.M. Thackston, Jr. Signs of the Unseen, a translation of Rumi's Fihi ma Fihi, is a collection of his lectures, discourses, conversations and comments on various and sundry topics. In many cases the discussions preserved in this book provide us with the most sustained exposition available of his thought on a given topic.
  • A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance from the Wisdom of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

    Selected and translated by Kabir and Camille Helminski These "jewels" have been taken from Books III-VI of Rumi's masterpiece, the Mathnawi. A companion volume to the earlier Rumi: Daylight, this daybook may also be read in a turn-to-any-page approach.
  • An Anthology of Translations of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

    Here is a wonderfully rich introduction to the work of the great mystical poet, featuring the leading literary translations of his verse. Translators include Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Andrew Harvey, Kabir and Camille Helminski, Daniel Liebert, and Peter Lamborn Wilson. The Rumi Collection also includes a biography of Rumi by Andrew Harvey, as well as an introductory essay by Kabir Helminski on the challenges of translating Rumi into English.
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