Dec 2017: Blessed Maryam
Shaikha Camille reflects on Blessed Maryam, Fatimah Ashrif shares some beauty and kindness, and upcoming Urs celebrations...
Shaikha Camille reflects on Blessed Maryam, Fatimah Ashrif shares some beauty and kindness, and upcoming Urs celebrations...
Shaikh Kabir presents sufi principles, Hamida Battla reflects on zhikr, Selim Schaurer explores courtesy, and more events...
Shaikh Kabir on the adab of sacred space, theme reflections from Matthew Wright, upcoming retreat with Beth Hin and Shaikh Kabir...
October newsletter: an excerpt from Shaikh Kabir's upcoming December talk for Mevlana's Urs, Zeliha Akdan reflects on akhlaq (good nature), and images from the recent Turkey trip
May newsletter: launching our Living Tradition blog on Patheos, Rahima McCullough on manifesting our latent qualities, new talks, poetry and more...