Moments with the Names

Ya Rashid

Ya Rashid O Most Gracious Teacher, we wait upon Your Word, Your life-giving Word, You who grant life and bestow death, and life again, Everlasting, Ya Muhyi, Ya Mumit, Ya Hayy, Ya Qayyum— continually, You are opening and closing doors we cannot see; we cannot turn the handle, You alone hold the key to the [...]

Ya Quddus, Ya Wadud, Ya Hadi, Ya Wakil

Ya Quddus, Ya Wadud, Ya Hadi, Ya Wakil Paradise Island is welcoming us, beckoning, to come abide in that Vastness, beyond the travails of the mainland, across the waters of Your blessing— where one does not grieve, nor fear, and gentle talk of Spirit is all that comes to one’s ear. And He has purchased [...]

Ya Malik, Ya Quddus

Ya Malik, Ya Quddus Each morning we awaken and watch as You unfurl all the glories of the day. Moment by moment we wait upon Your Word, O Sovereign, Most Holy One, who inspire our life, our love, it is You who shield us from harm when we would listen and turn to You, within [...]

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