Poetic Reflections

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Blessed Maryam

Shaikha Camille Helminski reflects on Beloved Mary, Mother of Jesus, and how the early Muslims found refuge in a Christian kingdom.

Ya Matin, Ya Badi

Ya Matin, Ya Badi Your Joy is coming to the mountainside, Ya Matin, with every sunrise. The breeze of dawn kisses the shores of Your hills, and every day they display Your Light, and generous shadows, in the folds of their skin where rivers run and waterfalls tumble with Your Grace. Anchoring our world, they [...]

Ya Qadir, Ya Muqtadir, Ya Adl

Ya Qadir, Ya Muqtadir, Ya Adl O You Who measure all in the most beautiful proportion, teach us Your Wisdom to know what to do when, how much or how little. May we water the roses, not the thorns, except enough to protect the tender branches and feed the camels, and goats who find there [...]

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