The 99 Day Program
An introduction to Sufism and spiritual psychology
An introduction to Sufism and spiritual psychology
Developing coherence with Shaikh Kabir, theme reflections from Amira Abd Al-Khalek...
Today time moves fast and our humanness is under assault in many ways. The distractions of consumer society and pop culture, the compression of time, the advance of technological powers, the intensity of life requires nothing less than the development of true spiritual practice and remembrance.
Extract from a book in progress: The Living Tradition, Conversations on the Sufi Path by Shaikh Kabir Helminski
Reflection on May’s theme: Leave opinions and blame; be an objective witness, and serve in love. Initially this made me reflect on our outer world which is beset with apparent conflict and untruths, and the question of how to meet these without being drawn into judgement and blame. I don't believe we are being asked [...]