On Whirling, the Heart and How to Be a Dervish
An interview with Camille Helminski
An interview with Camille Helminski
September 7th, 2019: Sema ceremony at Galata Mevlevihane (Istanbul) with Shaikh Huseyin Erek, Shaikh Kabir Helminski, and Neyzen Salih Bilgin, Music Director.
Creative flowings, the power of zhikr, and theme reflections with Jeremy Henzell-Thomas...
New videos from Shaikha Camille on the Ninety-Names, theme reflections from Feride Akcar, and the UK retreat...
Reflection on October’s theme: The interpretation of a sacred text is true if it stirs you to hope, activity, and awe. ~ Mevlana On a recent trip to Urfa in Turkey, we visited the cave where Job, Hazrati Ayyub, prayed while he was undergoing his trials. The cave was tiny, barely able to contain the [...]
Reflection on September's theme: Put this vain thinking to sleep, lift up your head into spiritual wakefulness. ~Mevlana Reflecting on this month's theme, the crucial question that arises for this one is "What is vain thinking?" It must firstly be habitual thinking that forms a barrier between us and Reality, Al-Haqq: fears and desires linked [...]