
About Kabir Helminski

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So far Kabir Helminski has created 248 blog entries.

The Balance between Doing and Being

A beloved dervish asks: I wonder how I can deal with the resistance in me to do my zhikr. I haven’t been able to find the core of this resisting part and what it is telling me. It keeps coming back. Could you help reflecting on this or do you have any suggestions on how [...]

The Ladder of Truth (8/7/2014)

There is something precious in a human soul that treasures communion with the Divine. All other riches are a poor imitation. What is real is the Spirit within us. Our being in community reflects Reality from heart to heart. Until our own heart becomes a reflector of Truth. Sometimes we need some help to awaken that reflection. There is help from the other side if we make at least a gesture of human will.

Embodying Grace (Interview & Meditation with Shaikh Kabir)

This interview is part of the Summer of Peace 2014 Summit, a free online event featuring 70+ of the world’s top peacebuilders, social change leaders, indigenous elders and spiritual mentors offering inspiration, skills training and powerful solutions – to bring inner, interpersonal and collective peace efforts to the next level. The Summer of Peace will continue for another [...]

The Body is a Servant (5/1/2014)

Sohbet on this month’s theme: Your Body is your servant; train it with Love. What is our relationship to our body? Are we aware of this relationship? Enlivening the body physically opens us up to spiritual experience. The human body is a transporter of subtle energies. Love and Unity play a role in awakening the higher faculties.  Click for PDF file mentioned in this sohbet.

Self and Selflessness

In considering how the human being can embody both self and selflessness, let's begin with a metaphysical perspective on the position that human consciousness occupies in cosmic existence. The human consciousness is a presence suspended between the Divine Absolute and a Cosmic-Life-Force that is associated with our intention, thoughts, and feelings. That's a mouthful, I know. It's meaning will become clearer, I hope, through the course of this article.

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