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Think and Speak the Positive (Source Quotes)

"O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness (Shahid) and a bringer of good tidings (Basheer) and a warner (Nazeer). And one who invites to Allah (Daee) , by His permission, and an illuminating lamp (Sirajan Munira)" [Al-Ahzab 33:45-46]. “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent” (al-Bukhari, Muslim) [...]

The Idea of Spiritual Training

From The Knowing Heart The role of a Sufi teacher in modern culture is analagous to an athletic coach who would like to train people to develop their abilities to an Olympic level. He would have been educated for this and have the appropriate degree. Without necessarily being the greatest athlete himself, he would be [...]

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