Rumi’s Urs 2023
Celebrating Mevlana Rumi's Urs on the theme of 'Universe of Love'
Celebrating Mevlana Rumi's Urs on the theme of 'Universe of Love'
A new translation of the opening of the Qur'an offered by Camille H. A. Helminski
Narrated by Iman Mortagy
An interview with Camille Helminski
A Celebration of Hearts
As one cleans the body one is simultaneously, with intention, clearing the inner capacities as well and on the subtlest levels, renewing one’s connection with one’s Sustainer.
Excerpt from the forthcoming Tree of Grace, Troubadors, Patriots, Mystics, and Lovers: A Journey of Discovery by Camille Hamilton Adams Helminski.
Interview with Camille Helminski on her book, now available on Kindle.
These illuminating discourses, covering a wealth of themes relating to the inner life, open an accessible and refreshing window to the mature practical spirituality within the living tradition of Sufism.
To Pray for Humanity in This Time of Need