Continuing Year 3 of The Mysterion School
8-month interactive online study of
The Knowing Heart: A Sufi Path of Transformation
with Kabir Helminski
We are very grateful that the Mysterion School continues to enable an international community of seekers to study and practice in a systematic way. In the forthcoming 3rd year of this endeavor (beginning in March, 2025, with the opening of Ramadan) we will explore The Knowing Heart and engage in a deeper exploration of some of the 99 names of God. There will be 8 live sessions taught by Kabir (up to 2 hours each) and 2 discussion groups again hosted by senior dervishes each month.
As human beings, we stand on the threshold between two realities: the world of material existence, and the world of spiritual being. The “knowing heart” is the sacred place where the two dimensions meet and are integrated.
In Sufi teaching the human heart is not treated as a fanciful metaphor, but understood as an objective organ of intuition and perception. The heart is able to perceive all that is beautiful and meaningful in life —to reflect the spiritual qualities in the world, for the benefit of all. Every human heart has the capacity and the destiny to manifest that world of Divine Reality, within the world of material existence.
Sufis have been educators of the heart for nearly fourteen centuries. The teachings and methods of Sufism are designed to help us awaken and purify the heart, to listen to our deepest knowing. The human heart is an exquisite instrument of perception, an intelligence beyond intellect. The intellect can take us only so far.
Some of the subjects we are planning to explore include:
The Esoteric Psychology of Sufism
The Education of the Heart
The Hu of the Human & The Path of “Blame”
Training the Soul: Adab, Sohbet, Dervishood
The Seven Stages of Knowing
Spiritual Intoxication and Spiritual Sobriety
The Imaginal Power of the Soul
Building the Culture of Love