
This Virtual Sufi Lodge is a Place for Spiritual Companionship (Sohbet)

Desires for Accumulation – Surah Takathur

Takathur refers to accumulation/pursuit of material and sensual things, including boasting about status, possessions, credentials, ancestors and lineage.

Surah Takathur and Surah Kawthar have the same root and are related to the Arabic word, kathira (many). Many-ness can be a blessing when you see the oneness behind the many-ness. But there is great suffering when you only see the many-ness and it's tearing you apart in a thousand different directions, depending on the moment and the circumstance.

Surah Takathur tells about knowing naeem (true happiness) and the yaquin (certainty) with which we discern what is naeem. Surah Takathur confirms that the Quran guides us to an open-minded spiritual perception that is the source of our happiness.

Love in Community

Our unique spiritual journey is, in one sense, alone. In another sense, we absolutely need each other to reach completion. Love in community provides a high enough platform from which each individual’s state can be raised to an even higher level. A community of people who awaken the Resonance of Love also awaken the spectrum of Divine qualities. They can live in the Vibration of Love. The Vibration tames and softens our ego. Attempting this journey of transformation alone is a nearly impossible task.

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