
The Joyous Disciplines of Dervishood

ONE DAY as I was having a cup of tea outside a small hotel in Istanbul, I noticed that the street was named Dervishlersokak, which means “alley of the dervishes.” At that very moment, a man pulling a cart stacked high with sacks of chickpeas passed by, a single man carrying the kind of burden [...]

Nov 2015

Reflection on October’s theme:  Begin with contentment (Rida); then follow the Heart. As-Sadiq relates that the Messenger said, 'The world is a series of changes in fortune: such benefit you may draw from it comes to you despite your frailty, and what is to your disadvantage will afflict you without you being able to ward [...]

Aug 2015

Reflection on July’s theme: Be cleansed of shallow idolatries; affirm the Real. Ya Haqq. Alhaqqah, Mal-haqqah, Wa Maa adraka mal haqqaqah. Oh the Laying-bare of the Truth. How awesome that laying-bare of the Truth. And what could make thee conceive what the laying bare of the truth will be? [Surah 69: Al Haqqah] As we [...]

GRATITUDE, Kabir Helminski

We can be grateful for the possibilities of service that life presents us with. The more we serve the better we feel, especially about ourselves. The mature character does not need, nor expect, to be thanked by others. The chance to serve, which is so good for ourselves, is itself a gift and is its own reward. Maturity is to serve without any expectation, and to be grateful to simply be.

Witnessing the Garden

Offered by Camille Adams Helminski For the UNESCO International Rumi Symposium, Istanbul, May 2007 Bismillah arRahman arRahim Truly we are in the midst of challenging times. Mevlana also lived in the midst of very challenging times, yet what a possibility opened with the example of being that he unveiled.  Continually he was “witnessing the garden,” seeing [...]

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