A Fortunate Fall
Let's review the sequence of events that led Adam into this world, to clarify their inner significance. First God disclosed the divine presence to Adam by giving him existence, Adam came to know God through this and called out, "O desiring One!" Then God gave knowledge of the divine to Adam through divine commands deciding that approaching the tree was forbidden; Adam came to know God through this and called out, "O deciding One!"
The Dog
Story of the vow made by the dogs every winter that when next summer comes they will build a house for the winter.
Why the answer to prayer is delayed.
The Thief’s drum
Story of the thief who was asked, "What are you doing at the bottom of this wall at midnight?" and replied, "I am beating a drum."
The Thief and the Ram
Story of the person whose ram was stolen by some thieves. Not content with that, they stole his clothes too by means of a trick.
The Blind Man
Story of the Blind old man's reading the Qur'an in front of him and regaining his sight when he read.
The Bird’s Wise Counsels
Story of the captive bird which gave the following injunctions: do not feel sorrow for what is past, think about taking precaution for the present need, and do not spend time in repenting.