An in-depth conversation between Tim Freke and Shaikh Kabir Helminski

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Reflections on the meaning of life, the problem of AI,
and the practicalities of awakening the heart.

I’m very thankful to Tim for giving me the opportunity to participate in a conversation of this depth. I have long admired his work and, since meeting him a few years ago, I have recognized a congruence in how we see life. Our conversation is an example of how to reflect on the deepest questions of life as existential realities, beyond the identifications and labels of tradition. Yet anyone who listens to this may perceive the deep structure of Sufism behind my words. Having read two of his many books — The Jesus Mysteries, and Jesus and the Lost Goddess — I already knew that Tim was someone with a fine appreciation for the underlying metaphysics behind the world’s sacred traditions.

~ Shaikh Kabir