Poetic Reflections

Ya Khafid, Ya Rafi, Ya Wadud, Ya Karim

Ya Khafid, Ya Rafi, Ya Wadud, Ya Karim O You who bring us low, that You might exalt us within You— when we are exalted in this world, there is a danger— our self-consciousness may increase, and we may lose the palpable sense of Your Presence that inundates us when we are near, bowing in [...]

Ya Wasi, Ya Wadud, Ya Alim

Ya Wasi, Ya Wadud, Ya Alim O You Who Are Infinite, All-Encompassing Your Heavens open and we fall through— up, into such vast expanses we lose our bearings and relinquish all we are carrying of injustices and justices waiting to be balanced by Your Will. We rest in the upward draft of Your breezes bringing [...]

Ya Nur ala Nur

Ya Nur ala Nur And today, Your Light returns, bouncing from Your leaves to my heart through the window that opens to Your Vastness. From where I sit, I cannot quite see Your sun rise, yet through the mirror, a hidden window opens, and Your rose pours through the air, reverberating with Your silent Song [...]

Ya Ghani, Ya Mughni

Ya Ghani, Ya Mughni Each seed knows its own name. Embedded in the DNA is its whole history of loving— who is matched with whom, and who descended— in cascading realms of servanthood of the One through whom we are related, manifesting the riches by which we grow— which are our birthright as seeds of [...]

Ya Rashid

Ya Rashid O Most Gracious Teacher, we wait upon Your Word, Your life-giving Word, You who grant life and bestow death, and life again, Everlasting, Ya Muhyi, Ya Mumit, Ya Hayy, Ya Qayyum— continually, You are opening and closing doors we cannot see; we cannot turn the handle, You alone hold the key to the [...]

Ya Malik, Ya Quddus

Ya Malik, Ya Quddus Each morning we awaken and watch as You unfurl all the glories of the day. Moment by moment we wait upon Your Word, O Sovereign, Most Holy One, who inspire our life, our love, it is You who shield us from harm when we would listen and turn to You, within [...]

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