Poetic Reflections

Ya Shakur, Ya Wahhab, Ya Wadud, Ya Karim

Ya Shakur, Ya Wahhab, Ya Wadud, Ya Karim We give thanks to You, the Creator of All Gratitude, for instilling these hearts with a Way toward Your Abundance and Ever-present Grace. So often, You give us cause to be grateful— for our health, for loved ones, precious in our remembrance, nurtured by Your Sustenance, for [...]

Ya Majīd, Ya Fattah, Ya Wadud, Ya Rahim

Ya Majīd, Ya Fattah, Ya Wadud, Ya Rahim Ya Majīd, every day You paint the sky with glory, and even with the autumn paling, You descend the leaves in armfuls of red and gold! How could we not know the Glory of Your Face, Your signature upon our hearts, Your writing on the hills, when [...]

Ya Raqib, Ya Mujib, Ya Karim

Ya Raqib, Ya Mujib, Ya Karim Dawn— a single cardinal calling “Raqib”— the Watcher is always here— holding us with the Endless Generosity of al Karim, and the Continual Response to Prayer of al Mujib. Red in the sunrise, warm in color and in heart— the Watcher is caring for creation, always attending to our [...]

Ya Mu‘izz, Al Mudhill

Ya Mu‘izz, Al Mudhill You exalt us to the stars that we might know humility before Your Power and Your Beauty. Before the glory of Your Beingness, encompassing and breathing through these hearts, and every smallest particle of earthliness and stars so far beyond our sight, we weep and kneel. Muzhill— we are but a [...]

Al Azim, Ya Aziz, Ya Hakim, Ya Wadud

Al Azim, Ya Aziz, Ya Hakim, Ya Wadud Every day there is a choice— in which direction do we turn? To magnify Your Glory, or our own supposed name— when we have forgotten how You have called us from before the before— O You Who Are Mighty, Most Magnificent, we are turned to the right [...]

Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Wadud

Bismillah arRahman arRahim Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Wadud O You Who Are Infinite Compassion, Infinite Mercy, how could we conceive of the vastness of Your Love? Every day you nourish us, every day You support our limbs as we move through this space You have given us; and those whose portion has become stillness, [...]

Ya Jabbar, Ya Mutakabbir, Ya Wadud, Ya Hakim

Ya Jabbar, Ya Mutakabbir, Ya Wadud, Ya Hakim O You Who Compel Us towards ultimate greatness, You Who Are Supreme in knowing and love, You knit us together by bone and by vibration, restoring hearts and limbs that have been wounded. Sometimes we trip, and fall in our wanderings— bring us home to Your Love. [...]

Ya Salam, Ya Mumin, Ya Muhaymin

Ya Salam, Ya Mumin, Ya Muhaymin O You Who Are Eternal and Ever Present Peace, renew us with Your breath breathing us, that restores, that harmonizes all the parts of our being, that we might see afresh, Ya Mumin, Ya Muhaymin, O You Who Are the Inspirer and Preserver of Faith, the True Means of [...]

Ya Tawwab, Ya Wajid

Ya Tawwab, Ya Wajid O You who turn us into repentance that we might return to You with clear hearts, even as the muddy stream releases its sediment before it merges with the sea, wash clear these hearts that we might find You, Ya Wajid. Even the purest mountain stream sometimes gathers sticks and straws, [...]

Ya Sami, Ya Basir

Ya Sami, Ya Basir Ahh! The moon is full! No wonder I can’t sleep. Thank You for bringing me out into its radiance. The cicadas drone in celebration, and tree frogs “ribbit” in response. Vibration pulses everywhere, in light, in sound, in hearts. This week I learned it really matters who tunes your piano, what [...]

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