On Whirling, the Heart and How to Be a Dervish
An interview with Camille Helminski
An interview with Camille Helminski
Sharing Rumi with a wider world, exploring women of faith in London with Shaikha Camille, and theme reflections with Ajoy Datta...
A talk offered by Camille for the launch, “Listen! Feminine Wisdom,” 2018 Festival of Faiths.
The final letter in Anna Rohleder's beautiful series of Love Letters to Muhmammad. Featured on the Living Tradition at Patheos.com
May newsletter: launching our Living Tradition blog on Patheos, Rahima McCullough on manifesting our latent qualities, new talks, poetry and more...
News from Shaikh Kabir's recent India trip, reflections on Nur, upcoming eCourse on Sufi Stories, and lots of UK events for your diaries...
March newsletter: The Joyous Disciplines of Dervishood, visiting Chishti saints in India, and upcoming events in London...
Iqama, Salaat and Tesbihat recited by Camille Helminski: https://media.sufism.org/recordings/Threshold-Society-Salaah-Camille-Helminski.mp3