Yearly Archives: 2015

The Custodians of Consciousness

Hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing war torn countries, Beirut and Paris ripped by terror, demagogues responding to the lowest instincts of the populace... Amidst what seems like a cacophony of voices, of arbitrary violence, of staggering hypocrisies, we have to keep our hearts intact.

Little by Little

Kabir & Camille, as part of the group, Ruby (including Erika Luckett & Lisa Ferraro), read a poem and perform their original song "Little by Little" based on a Ghazel by Rumi.

Nov 2015

Reflection on October’s theme:  Begin with contentment (Rida); then follow the Heart. As-Sadiq relates that the Messenger said, 'The world is a series of changes in fortune: such benefit you may draw from it comes to you despite your frailty, and what is to your disadvantage will afflict you without you being able to ward [...]

Un poema del Shaikh Kabir

Un poema del Shaikh Kabir, inspirado por Ummi Sinan (C. 16)   Originally published in Facebook by The Threshold Society (October 15, 2015) Translate by: Maryam Khadiya   Hay una ciudad del corazón hecha de nada más que rosas, rosas, rosas.                                Todos compran y venden allí, y los regalos que ellos dan son rosas, [...]

Murāqabah, Contemplation in The Mevlevi Tradition

Mevlevis consider murāqabah to be the attainment of the station (maqam) of Ihsan (the gift of benevolence granted by God). They understand it as entering a state (hal) of perpetual proximity and nearness to God, and of coming permanently into His presence. This becomes an ongoing part of the dervishes' spiritual lives.

El corazÛn sabio- Sufismo

Originally published in Facebook by The Threshold Society (September 10, 2015) Translate by: Maryam Khadiya   Los sufÌes han sido educadores de corazones por lo menos por catorce siglos. Su enseÒanza y los mÈtodos no se basan ni en dogma ni en conjetura, sino en una base Divina y objetiva que es la religiÛn primordial [...]

Acceptance, Rida

October's theme. Acceptance is a beginning, a point of departure, as well as the culmination of Heartfulness. Imagine that you are a refugee fleeing your homeland with no more than what you can carry with you. What will give you the strength to carry on? There is nowhere else to begin than with acceptance of where we are right now. We begin by seeing ourselves and our circumstances accurately, seeing things as they actually are in the present. With conscious consent to what is at this moment we can know that this is the center of true beginning where infinite divine Mercy meets our finite self.

Oct 2015

Reflection on September’s theme:  The false self (nafs) will never be satisfied; so strive with God to be near to Him. For most of our lives we live with our self (nafs) in charge, calling out to God whenever the nafs gets a bit shaken. It is when we fall and get broken that we [...]

Selfless Striving

September's Theme. The mystics endeavor to make Him their companion in all their spiritual states, insofar as they are able. When God discerns that attitude in them, He is merciful by causing them to attend no longer to their own weakness or strength in whatever they undertake or leave aside. Muhammad’s faith community is therefore characterized by liberality and ease…. This facilitation of every situation is made possible only through the contemplative vision of which I have spoken. ~Ibn Abbad of Ronda

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