Annual Practices

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2025

The Year of Heartfulness Jan: Our openness, our relatedness, and our engagement are the measure of our love. ~Living Presence February: Medicine for the Heart: As much as possible, think and communicate the positive. March: Awaken. Let your attention be guided by your heart in everyday life. March: O my God! I ask for faith [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2024

January: Ya Nur. Our original food is the light of God. February: Taqwa: Human will is a gift of the divine. May we use it wisely. March: Fasting is meditation of the body for the sake of God alone. April: Fasting of the heart is restraint from unworthy concerns and worldly thoughts. May: May our [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2023

Jan: Purified attention is the light the soul casts on existence. Feb: The spirit is gladdened by an I-ness without “I” and springs away from the I-ness of the world. ~ Rumi Mar: This thirst in our souls is the magnetism of the Water. ~ Rumi Apr: Let your soul take on the work, and [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2022

JANUARY Express faith and devotion in practical details & acts of service. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski FEBRUARY Remember and resonate with the Highest Truth. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski MARCH Be a lover of Unity, abandon separation. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski APRIL Trust in Divine generosity. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski MAY Be an objective witness: see [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2021

January theme: In these days the breathings of God prevail. Turn your ear and mind toward these breathings. ~Muhammad (a.s.) February theme: There are some true servants of God of whom the body is here but of whom the heart is above, under the Throne of God. ~Muhammad (a.s.) March theme: The most intelligent of [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2020

January theme: Consciousness aware of Itself is the beginning of marifah (gnosis). ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski February theme: The drop that truly knows itself is aware of the Ocean. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski March theme: Every relationship could be Being knowing Itself. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski April theme: Your inner being is a sanctuary; cleanse [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2019

January theme: Awakened Being is attention guided by the Heart in everyday life. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski February theme: Character is the spiritually infused balance of Love and Intelligence. ~ Shaikh Kabir Helminski March theme: This is the work of the heart, not the work of the head. ~Shams April theme: The natural state of [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2018

January theme: "Mercy" (Rahim) is the grace that allows us to connect with the Divine in every circumstance of life. February theme: Disengage from the ego realm; enter the Reality of the Sacred. Whether in worship or in the ordinary acts of life, contemplate the Divine Beloved. March theme: In order to become human, we [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2017

January theme: Through constant remembrance of God is negligence (Ghaflah) dispelled. ~Imam Ali (AS) February theme: A Sufi is not a real Sufi until he (or she) feels a responsibility for all humanity. ~Sulami (10th Century) March theme: The courtesy (adab) of the gnostic (arif) is above any other courtesy, because his or her gnosis [...]

Monthly Essential Practices of Mevlevi Spirituality for 2016

January theme: An Awakened Being is someone whose attention is guided by the Heart in everyday life. February theme: I have not seen in the world of search and seeking any worthiness better than a good disposition. -Mevlana II:810. March theme: Our original food is the Nur of God. April theme: Prayer (dua) and zhikr [...]

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