Historical UK Newsletter Archive

Historical UK Newsletter Archive2017-01-29T15:59:18-06:00

This is an archive of UK newsletters between 2014-2015. From January 2016, the newsletters became international and are held here – sign up to get them delivered by email.

Apr 2014

Reflection on March’s theme: Every relationship could be Being knowing itself. I heard a talk by a vicar recently in the local church. He began by pointing out the uniqueness of everyone in the audience, and also how we are unlike those who came before and those who will come after us. This uniqueness is extraordinary -- all of us, each day, keep meeting new people and seeing new faces. There is so much diversity in life, so much difference, [...]

Mar 2014

Reflection on February’s theme: The drop that truly knows itself is aware of the Ocean Last Friday, in a session I gave to a group of women on mindfulness and creative self-development, I introduced a heart-awakening meditation that involved the image of the ocean and the waves. It was a privilege for me to share this meditation that has its roots in the Sufi tradition, a path that lies close to my own heart. In many wisdom traditions we find [...]

Feb 2014

Reflection on January’s theme: Consciousness aware of Itself is a Divine gift Like a lot of people there are times when I tend to sleepwalk through what seems like a whole day, living somewhere in my head, unaware of my surroundings and even my own breathing. And then there are those moments when it seems as if I magically 'wake up' into the fullness of the moment, experiencing a deep connection and resonance with life. But for the most part [...]

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