Why Do We Need a Spiritual Path?
Extract from a book in progress: The Living Tradition, Conversations on the Sufi Path by Shaikh Kabir Helminski
Love Letters to Muhammad (7 of 11)
Letter number seven continues a series of Eleven Love Letters to Muhammad, by Anna Rohleder
Love Letters to Muhammad (6 of 11)
There’s the Hadith that says, “Anyone who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot take my form.” Still, I want to ask you about a particular dream I had – whether it was really you in it. . .
The Soul that Moves the Body of the World
A Talk by Shaikh Kabir Helminski at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., October 8th, 2016
On Sovereignty
Reflections on Sovereignty by Mahmoud Mostafa offered at the Threshold Society UK retreat in Dorset, August 26-29 2016.
Personal Sovereignty, Divine Sovereignty: The Authentic Self
Notes from a talk by Jeremy Henzell-Thomas at the Threshold Society UK retreat in Dorset, August 26-29 2016.
Sufism and the Power to Transform
Shaikh Kabir was interviewed about the role of Sufism in the modern world and the dangers of religious extremism. Also available in German.
Love Letters to Muhammad (5 of 11)
Everyone who knew you agrees about one thing. “He had a smile of incomparable charm.” Here’s how I see your smile for myself: Warm. Bright. But never the high-beam setting of a salesman or a politician...
Light Through the Wounds of Orlando
Omid Safi reflects on the tragedy of Orlando and the work of compassion and healing that is needed from all of us.
Holistic Islam
I can easily imagine the criticism that will arise from the title Holistic Islam, the title of a book of ours that will likely be published in 2017. Some will accuse us of trying to adapt Islam to a fashionable trend of modern society. Some will say there is no need for any word in front of Islam because Islam is the true religion and there is nothing about Islam that needs to change.
Love Letters to Muhammad (4 of 11)
I want to ask you about that strange, unsettling episode in your life I’ve only seen in the religious biographies – the story about your heart being taken out of your body. . .
Sacred Earth, Sacred Self
Writing in the Times of India for Earth Day, Shaikh Kabir explores how to experience the Self in harmony with the magnetic field of Mother Earth. Download the full article...