A talk offered by Camille for the launch, “Listen! Feminine Wisdom,” 2018 Festival of Faiths.
Ninety-Names of the Beloved: Introduction
Ninety-Nine Names of the Beloved: Introduction by Michael Wolfe
Feminine Symbols in Islam
Reflections on the Divine Feminine in Islam and its symoblism, by Mahmoud Mostafa.
Give God Your Existence
Give God your existence and God will give you His Life. Today is September 30, Mevlana’s birthday and the 10th day of Muharram, remembered primarily for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. On this day we [...]
Presence, Sincerity, & Spiritual Practice
Today time moves fast and our humanness is under assault in many ways. The distractions of consumer society and pop culture, the compression of time, the advance of technological powers, the intensity of life requires nothing less than the development of true spiritual practice and remembrance.
Living Presence – 25th Anniversary Edition
With unique clarity, this book describes how presence can be developed to vastly improve our lives. Drawing on the work of the beloved Sufi poet, Rumi, as well as traditional material and personal experience, this book integrates the ancient wisdom of Sufism with the needs of contemporary life. Completely revised and updated for its 25th anniversary, this edition of Living Presence offers a wisdom that is both universal and practical.
Notes for a Talk Given to a Gathering of The Nahdatul Ulama in West Java, May 2017
Shaikh Kabir's recent talk in Indonesia on the state of Islam and the Muslim world.
Love Letters to Muhammad (11 of 11)
The final letter in Anna Rohleder's beautiful series of Love Letters to Muhmammad. Featured on the Living Tradition at
Love Letters to Muhammad (10 of 11)
The tenth in a series of Love Letters to Muhmammad by Anna Rohleder. First featured on the Living Tradition at
Love Letters to Muhammad (9 of 11)
Letter number 9 in Anna Rohleder's inspiring series of Love Letters to Muhmammad, also featured on the Living Tradition at
The Most Important Thing I Learned From Our Murshid
He could have been someone's grandfather from Sicily, dressed in a three-piece suit, walking with a cane, the bearer of the mischievous yet innocent smile.