Sadat Malik

About Sadat Malik

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So far Sadat Malik has created 128 blog entries.

Ya Wadud, Ya Wali, Ya Wakil

Ya Wadud, Ya Wali, Ya Wakil O Love, continually, You are watching out for us, holding our hand when we are ill, soothing our brow when we are troubled, bringing Peace to our hearts when we have struggled in Your Way and come to know Your Presence with us, in love with us so much, [...]

Ya Walī, Ya Hafiz, Ya Nasir

Ya Walī, Ya Hafiz, Ya Nasir O Friend and Protector, Preserver of that which is Most Precious, the Secret within these hearts that You have written on the Tablet preserved and protected for all Eternity, help us to keep our connection with the Source, of Our Sustenance, of that Light that allows us to see, [...]

Ya Haqq, Ya Batin, Az Zahir

Ya Haqq, Ya Batin, Az Zahir Newly awakened, we witness Truth, resplendent in the sunrise and every color of the rainbow— It fits itself into any shape and walks around to manifest relationship. Interwoven, Truth to Truth we realign our strands of DNA, magnetized in strength of You; we know the Truth when we see [...]

Ya ‘Ali, Ya Mut‘ali

Ya ‘Ali, Ya Mut‘ali We love to love You, Ya ‘Ali, Ya Mut‘ali, for You lift our spirits from within Your Self to Yourself— the highest vantage point is Yours to give, and so You bestow it, upon Your servants— those who understand that in bowing low they are exalted; face to Face in prostration [...]

Ya Alim, Ya Fattah, Ya Rahman, Ya Wadud

Ya Alim, Ya Fattah, Ya Rahman, Ya Wadud Ya Rahman, so unlimited is Your Compassion that every day You show us ways we may fall short and help us to see how to open our hearts. Ya Fattah, You Who Open the gateways of the Unseen, with Your Knowledge You comprehend the best moment for [...]

Ya Shakur, Ya Wahhab, Ya Wadud, Ya Karim

Ya Shakur, Ya Wahhab, Ya Wadud, Ya Karim We give thanks to You, the Creator of All Gratitude, for instilling these hearts with a Way toward Your Abundance and Ever-present Grace. So often, You give us cause to be grateful— for our health, for loved ones, precious in our remembrance, nurtured by Your Sustenance, for [...]

Ya Majīd, Ya Fattah, Ya Wadud, Ya Rahim

Ya Majīd, Ya Fattah, Ya Wadud, Ya Rahim Ya Majīd, every day You paint the sky with glory, and even with the autumn paling, You descend the leaves in armfuls of red and gold! How could we not know the Glory of Your Face, Your signature upon our hearts, Your writing on the hills, when [...]

Ya Raqib, Ya Mujib, Ya Karim

Ya Raqib, Ya Mujib, Ya Karim Dawn— a single cardinal calling “Raqib”— the Watcher is always here— holding us with the Endless Generosity of al Karim, and the Continual Response to Prayer of al Mujib. Red in the sunrise, warm in color and in heart— the Watcher is caring for creation, always attending to our [...]

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