On Whirling, the Heart and How to Be a Dervish
An interview with Camille Helminski
When the Last Unreal You Meets the First Real You
Shaikh Kabir Helminski on breaking the spell of the false I-ness and connecting to our essential self
Understanding Rumi… The “Person of Heart” Is the All.
Exploring the richness of Rumi beyond self-help quotes
Divine Breathings
This is a section of the Mathnawi [Book I: 1951… ] that we are reflecting on in relation to our theme for January: “In these days the breathings of God prevail…” This is a beautiful and profound passage about the inter-relationship of breath, body, and soul (Jan in Persian).
Gurcu Hatun and Lady Jacoba, Mystic Cousins
Excerpt from the forthcoming Tree of Grace, Troubadors, Patriots, Mystics, and Lovers: A Journey of Discovery by Camille Hamilton Adams Helminski.
Imam Ali’s Letter to Malik Ashtar
This script reads: "Ali Ibn Abi Talib, radiya' llah Ta'aala anhu wa-Karrama wajhahu." (Ali Bin Abi Talib, may God Almighty be pleased with him and honor him.) The script is Tawqi', structured into the shape [...]
In the House of Remembering
These illuminating discourses, covering a wealth of themes relating to the inner life, open an accessible and refreshing window to the mature practical spirituality within the living tradition of Sufism.
Special Book Offer
Choose among these classics from Threshold Books. “Threshold Books COVID-19 Care Package” (USA shipping only) Choose any three items from this list of paperback books and CD’s and receive all three at the discounted price [...]
Meditation May 17th 2020
This is a selection of what was shared at the weekly online meditation - due to zoom technical difficulties, we were unable to record the call. Love, Breath, Body ~ Khadim Chisti The seven [...]
Within the Sanctuary
Chapter II: Within the Sanctuary from 'Mary, Beloved of God'. Offered by Camille Hamilton Adams Helminski
Louisville Meetings
October 8, 2020 A talk on Suluuk, and the "Five-Fold Circle of Suluuk" August 6, 2020 Meditation on breath and sohbet on Hold tight to the rope of God. July 30, [...]
Spiritual Imagination
Jeremy Henzell-Thomas outlines the crucial importance of the imagination for the spiritual traveler and humankind as a whole.